Saturday 1st October 2011

Weather consisted of a south south-westerly wind turning south-easterly. It was foggy early morning. Migrants observed passing through were 13 Brent Geese, 3 Skylark, 2 Pied Wagtail, 8 Chaffinch, 1 Brambling, 5 Goldfinch and 3 Siskin. Highlight of the day was a Richard's Pipit seen heading south at 10:25 hours. Also seen today was 1 Stonechat and 1 Wheatear. 1 bird ringed today; 1 Chaffinch. In the moth traps the 2nd site record of Pale-lemon Sallow, also of note a Cypress Pug, Palpita vitrealis and Bordered Straw. 2 Hawthorn Shield Bugs were found.