Sunday 9th October 2011

At least 100 Songies present first thing the bulk of which quickly moved off inland. Also on site today worth a mention were 2 Redwing, Fieldfare, Ring Ouzel, Woodcock & Yellow-browed Warbler. On the move offshore & overhead it was a tad busy. The highlights were Cory's Shearwater, Grey Phal, male Goosander, Razorbill, Pomarine Skua, 2 Merlin, 2 Short-eared Owls, 2 Gadwal & 6 Avocet. Amongst the big movers were 10.008 Brents (including a white one !), 2066 Wigeon, 352 Dunlin, 233 Teal & 116 Skylarks with a large supporting cast incliding 9 Pintail, 59 Common Scoter, Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merg, Red-throated Diver, 57 Gannets & 13 species of wader in small numbers. Also worth a mention are 4 Arctic, 3 Common & a Sandwich Tern plus an Arctic Skua. The log sheet is certainly packed today.