Wednesday 19th October 2011

Bright n' breezy. On the move 1155 Goldies, 193 Redpolls, 84 Chaffs, 64 Linnets, 63 Greenies, 53 Siskins, 18 Skylarks, 14 Mipits, 11 Pied Wags, 3 Reed Bunts, 3 Swallows, 2 Jackdaws & singles of Rock Pipit, Grey Wag, House Martin, Crossbill & Woodlark going south. Fairly quiet in the bushes with the usual mid-October fare in very small numbers. Just 2 Wheatears on the reserve today. Offshore the only thing worth a mention is a solitary Eider going north. 2 immature male Peregrines hammered through calling to each other late morning may be youngsters from the Orwell bridge. Finally just outside our recording area was a Yellow-browed Warbler by the Customs House.