Wednesday 26th October 2011

The day started with a juv Moorhen picked up on View Point Road in the half light - unfortunately, despite looking ok, it later died and had presumably been hit by a car (not many people realise that this species migrates). Next a fine ringtail Hen Harrier spent 20 mins wandering around the site being mobbed by corvids before departing. A new Yellow-browed Warbler present today with yesterdays 2 Firecrests still with us. Not to many new arrivals in the bushes today with just a handful of new Blackies, Chaffs & a Blackcap. On the reserve 2 Wheatears with a Purp on the groynes in front of the Butts. Overhead another 1,000 Goldies, 46 Skylarks & 44 Redpolls have gone south. Offshore 311 Dunlin, 127 Brents plus a selection of other waders & ducks in low numbers going south.