Monday 28th November 2011

Autumn still grinding to a halt with a handful of Goldies & a Mipit still making their way south plus a couple of new Blackies, Goldies & Chaffinch in the bushes. Following yesterdays gale it was hoped that a bit more might have been on the move offshore in this mornings flat calm conditions - this was not to be with the highlights (!) being 2 Great-crested Grebes, a Red-throat & a Gannet relocating northwards. 15 Snow Bunts still with us as is Mrs Peregrine & at least 8 Meds. If any readers are ever down here throughout the winter in the late afternoon, when they tend to congregate, and get a decent Med Gull count please drop us an e.mail so we can update the records as most of the regular observers have gone home by then.