Saturday 19th November 2011

A House Martin making it's way south needs to get a move on if it's going to get to Africa for the winter. 25 Goldies, 9 Mipits, 6 Skylarks, 4 Linnets & 2 Rooks also drifted south overhead. Offshore not a lot with the only record of note being a Goosander that came out of the river heading out to who knows where. The Snow Bunting flock has increased to 14, a Rock Pipit is still on the point & a Chiffchaff is still loitering on site. The ridiculously mild weather can't carry on for ever but while it does 2 Little Owls are enjoying siting out in the sun (have they finally evicted this years young or have any of the offspring kicked mum or dad out of the territory ?).