Sunday 6th November 2011

Blackbird Central today with 1,000+ going through along with at least 830 Starling, 150 Redwing, 120 Fieldfare, 200 Songies, 2 Rouzels & a Mistle Thrush. Also of note 7 Woodcock, 3 Blackcaps, 2 Brambling, Short-eared Owl, Swallow, House Martin, Wheatear & a "tristis" Chiffchaff. Offshore apart from all the thrushy type things coming in 342 Brents, 10 Pink-feet, 80 Wigeon, 43 Teal, 99 Lapwing, 22 Eider, 12 Mergs, 12 Gannets & a Goosander. It's one of those sort of days when stuff kept arriving. Evening update: 284 birds ringed today including 262 Blackies - when the fact that we only had 2/3rds of the nets open today due to the winds one can appreciate how many birds actually passed through the site today.