Wednesday 9th November 2011

Another dose of interesting birds today. Another Puffin continues the exceptional run of records of this species. 3 Black-throated Diver went south and a Pomarine Skua was harassing Herring Gulls offshore late morning. Also worth a mention are 256 Brents, 67 Wigeon, 13 Eider, 5 Goldeneye, 4 Gannet, 3 Guillimot, Bonxie, Little Egret & Little Gull. In the area a handful of thrushes & finches, 3 Chiffchaff, Merlin & a different Wheatear to the one seen the last couple of days. Overhead another 300 Goldies plus a handful of other finches & Mipits went south. The entertaining spell continues.