In the most recent bunch of a fairly standard batch of recoveries we have a Long-tailed Tit ringed here in September 2010 taken by a cat in Ipswich in September 2011. Starling ringed here in June 1997 found as a skeleton in the fireplace of a house in Manning Road in September 2011 - but we wonder how long this one was down the chimney for ? Great Tit ringed here on 25th September 2011 retrapped in Wivenhoe, Essex on 30th October. Chiffchaff ringed here on 27th September 2011 retrapped three days later 183km WSW of us at Brimpton Gravel Pit, West Berkshire. Of greater interest was a Firecrest ringed here on 7th April 2010 retrapped at Kings Wood, Kent on 22nd September 2011 as we don't get a lot back on this species.