Saturday 15th October 2011

Weather consisted of a south south-easterly wind. There was hardly any cloud cover. Migrants observed passing through were 147 Brent Geese, 2 Pink footed Geese, 7 Shelduck, 214 Wigeon, 24 Teal, 21 Pintail, 3 Shoveler, 1 Eider, 1 Gannet, 6 Cormorant, 1 Oystercatcher, 1 Arctic Skua, 69 Black-headed Gulls, 47 Woodpigeon, 2 Short-eared Owls, 1 Rook, 43 Skylark, 9 Swallow, 3 Grey Wagtail, 21 Pied Wagtail, 22 Meadow Pipit, 3 Rock Pipit, 63 Chaffinch, 34 Greenfinch, 350 Goldfinch, 6 Siskin, 42 Linnet, 69 Redpoll and 5 Reed Bunting. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen and 4 Northern Wheatear. 46 birds ringed today; 1 Brambling, 2 Song Thrush, 2 Redwing, 12 Blackbird, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, 10 Robin, 5 Lesser Redpoll, 4 Chaffinch, 1 Blue Tit, 2 Great Tit and 1 Dunnock. A Weasel was observed out on the reserve. A Hornet, Migrant Hawker Dragonfly and 5 Red Admiral Butterflies were seen.

Friday 14th October 2011

Weather consisted of a light to gentle south-easterly wind becoming moderate to fresh as the day continued. There was much cloud early morning. Migrants on the move were 2,048 Brent Geese, 226 Wigeon, 63 Teal, 3 Mallard, 1 Pintail, 24 Common Scoter, 6 Red-breasted Merganser, 10 Gannet, 15 Cormorant, 1 Hen Harrier, 12 Dunlin, 2 Curlew, 1 Pomarine Skua, 2 Great Skua, 2 Arctic Skua, 176 Black-heaed Gulls, 15 Little Gulls, 1 Common Tern, 1 Jackdaw, 7 Carrion Crow, 36 Skylark, 4 Swallow, 23 Starling, 1 Grey Wagtail, 2 Pied Wagtail, 6 Meadow Pipit, 1 Rock Pipit, 33 Chaffinch, 404 Goldfinch, 5 Siskin, 16 Linnet, 7 Redpoll and 2 Common Crossbill. Grounded migrants recorded were 1 immature male Black Redstart, 3 Fieldfare, 15 Song Thrush, 20 Redwing and 5 Northern Wheatear. Warblers seen were 2 Chiffchaff, 6 Blackcap and 1 Common Whitethroat. 11 Mediterranean Gulls were found. 48 birds ringed today; 16 Robin, 8 Song Thrush, 8 Blackbird, 4 Redwing, 1 Black Redstart, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 1 female Goldcrest, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Dunnock, 4 Blackcap, 1 Brambling and 1 Chaffinch.

Thursday 13th October 2011

Weather consisted of a light to gentle east south-easterly wind. There was complete cloud cover. There was drizzle at dawn. A very productive day with many birds seen and ringed. Migrants observed passing through were 11,697 Brent Geese, 1 Pink-footed Goose, 11 Shelduck, 168 Wigeon, 109 Teal, 4 Mallard, 8 Pintail, 182 Common Scoter, 6 Goldeneye, 7 Red-breasted Merganser, 4 Red-throated Diver, 56 Gannet, 14 Cormorant, 5 Little Egret, 1 Peregrine, 1 Hobby, 1 Oystercatcher, 1 Golden Plover, 27 Dunlin, 2 Pomarine Skua, 1 Arctic Skua, 17 Great Skua, 240 Black-headed Gull, 2 Kittiwake, 11 Common Tern, 1 Arctic Tern, 1 Razorbill, 4 Short-eared Owls, 1 Rook, 10 Skylark, 2 Swallow, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Pied Wagtail, 12 Meadow Pipit, 1 Rock Pipit, 7 Chaffinch, 51 Goldfinch, 12 Linnet and 2 Reed Bunting. Grounded migrants found included 1 Merlin, 7 Short-eared Owls, 1 Woodlark, 1 Black Redstart and 5 Northern Wheatear. Warblers present were 7 Chiffchaff, 6 Blackcap and 1 Common Whitethroat. 98 birds ringed today; 43 Robin, 6 Goldcrest, 1 Wren, 7 Chiffchaff, 2 Blue Tit, 5 Blackcap, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Chaffinch, 1 Dunnock, 1 Black Redstart, 12 Song Thrush, 6 Redwing and 11 Blackbird.

October Litter Pick

Litter Pick this Saturday 0930hrs start - usual arrangements (please see the events section on

Wednesday 12th October 2011

An entertaining morning with the wind speed finally easing to make the birding more enjoyable. Vis mig so far this am included 1178 Goldies, 284 Siskins, 167 Linnets, 89 Mipits, 87 Swallows, 59 Skylarks, 54 Redpolls, 43 Greenies, 42 House Martins, 18 Pied Wags, 8 Reed Bunts, 6 Rock Pipits & a Woodlark that dropped in briefly late morning before moving off south. Fairly quiet in the bushes with single figure counts of Blackcap & Chiffchaff plus a single Whitethroat. 2 Tree Sparrows were with the House Sparrows by the cottage, a Rock Pipit was on the groynes in front of the Butts & 4 Wheatears were on the reserve. A Short-eared Owl came in off the sea & a Merlin went south. Offshore pretty deadly although a Bonxie went south & a Razorbill north. Spoladea recurvalis - first site record of this migrant moth.

Tuesday 11th October 2011

Weather consisted of a fresh to strong west south-westerly wind, it was mild and dry; there was much cloud cover. Migrants on the move were 21 Brent Geese, 3 Pintail, 1 Common Scoter, 6 Gannet, 4 Cormorant, 1 Oystercatcher, 1 Knot, 1 Curlew, 1 Turnstone, 1 Sandwich Tern, 23 Skylark, 66 House Martin, 17 Pied Wagtail, 38 Meadow Pipit, 16 Chaffinch, 1 Brambling, 26 Greenfinch, 781 Goldfinch, 65 Siskin, 111 Linnet, 22 Redpoll and 3 Reed Bunting. The Yellow-browed Warbler was still present amongst the tamarisk within the Bird Observatory compound. There were 4 Northern Wheatear out on the reserve. Also seen today was a male Pheasant, Chiffchaff and 3 Blackcap. 5 birds were ringed today; 3 Lesser Redpoll, 1 male Blackcap and 1 Blackbird.

Monday 10th October 2011

Weather consisted of a westerly wind turning west south-westerly, it was mild and dry. Migrants on the move were 61 Brent Geese, 3 Shelduck, 11 Wigeon, 1 Common Scoter, 1 Red-throated Diver, 12 Gannet, 1 Cormorant, 1 Merlin, 1 Kestrel, 2 Grey Plover, 1 Great Skua, 4 Common Gull, 10 Common Tern, 2 Arctic Tern, 6 Skylark, 40 Swallow, 66 House Martin, 3 Pied Wagtail, 23 Meadow Pipit, 17 Chaffinch, 9 Greenfinch, 305 Goldfinch, 28 Siskin, 42 Linnet, 17 Common Crossbill and 9 Redpoll. The Yellow-browed Warbler from yesterday was still here hiding in the tamarisk within the Bird Observatory compound. Other grounded migrants seen were 2 male Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff and 4 Northern Wheatear. There were 3 more Merlin seen on site. 7 Mediterranean Gulls were found, 4 adults, 1 second-winter and 2 first-winter birds. 6 birds ringed today; 1 Little Owl, 1 female Goldcrest, 1 Song Thrush, 2 male Blackcap and 1 Chiffchaff.

Sunday 9th October 2011

At least 100 Songies present first thing the bulk of which quickly moved off inland. Also on site today worth a mention were 2 Redwing, Fieldfare, Ring Ouzel, Woodcock & Yellow-browed Warbler. On the move offshore & overhead it was a tad busy. The highlights were Cory's Shearwater, Grey Phal, male Goosander, Razorbill, Pomarine Skua, 2 Merlin, 2 Short-eared Owls, 2 Gadwal & 6 Avocet. Amongst the big movers were 10.008 Brents (including a white one !), 2066 Wigeon, 352 Dunlin, 233 Teal & 116 Skylarks with a large supporting cast incliding 9 Pintail, 59 Common Scoter, Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merg, Red-throated Diver, 57 Gannets & 13 species of wader in small numbers. Also worth a mention are 4 Arctic, 3 Common & a Sandwich Tern plus an Arctic Skua. The log sheet is certainly packed today.