Friday 24th February 2012

Following on from almost tropical conditions yesterday, more signs of spring movements today including the first new Robin & Great Tit of the year trapped & ringed. First Great Tit of the spring is spot on date wise with the first new Robin of the spring a week to ten days earlier than expected. 40 Linnets on the reserve first thing is a high number for February suggesting that this lot were not wintering to far away from here. Some visible migration this morning included 3 Mipits, 2 Jackdaws, 2 Crows, Rook, Stock Dove & Siskin going south plus a Lapwing in off the sea. Also on the move two flocks of Barnacles totalling 20 birds going south, presumably on their way back to the continent. The moth traps were put out for the season three nights ago with the first moths of the year in the traps this morning - Tortricodes alternella, Amblyptilia acanthadactyla & The Chestnut. The tortrix is good for us having only been recorded in three previous years despite it apparently being abundant in oak woodlands inland.