Thursday 16th February 2012

Signs of early spring passage with 5 Skylarks north & 1 south. Although it is difficult to get ones head round the concept of spring movements at this time of the year it is not uncommon for Skylarks to contemplate returning to the breeding grounds this early in the season. A flock of 24 Barnacle Geese south offshore will probably be birds that have been wintering in Britain making their way back to the Low Countries. Also on the move offshore 11 Brent north 5 south, 6 Shelduck, 3 Dunlin & a Great-crested Grebe south. A couple of Robins singing is good to hear as they have been a bit on the quiet side during the recent cold spell which has undoubtedly thinned a few of them out. Finally 2 Sanderling still on the beach & a Snow Bunting flew over the obs.