Tuesday 7th February 2012

Slight thaw with 32 Mipits, 8 Lapwing, 3 Golden Plover, 2 Knot & 2 Dunlin feeding on the open grassy bits of the reserve. Along the shore were 3 Sanderling, another Dunlin, at least 8 Snow Bunts plus 2 Rock Pipits arguing over the best feeding on the jetty. Very little on the move offshore with another 7 Golden Plover & 4 Lapwing south the highlights. Rather bizarrely a Sanderling came onto the top of the observatory compound to feed amongst the bread put out for the gulls & was duly trapped & ringed. We did catch 3 Sanderling on the beach donkeys years ago - so this is only the 4th ringed here. Perseverance finally paid off with a new Med Gull ringed late pm plus a Common Gull & an old retrap Black-head as by catch. Whilst leaving the site at dusk a total of 3 Woodcock were seen coming out of their day time hidyholes.