Monday 12th March 2012

Crystal clear first thing then the fog appeared 0630hrs onwards. Decent arrival of typical mid-March migrants including at least 12 Goldcrests, 5 Chiffchaffs 2 Siskins, Fieldfare & a Firecrest. A second winter Iceland Gull came off the beach out of the fog & into the dock complex - three different Iceland Gulls over the last few weeks is unprecedented. 3 Canada Geese went south just off the beach & the 2 Snow Buntings flew over the obs onto the aggregate yard beach late morning. Peregrine chaos over the reserve at mid-day. An immature male, which is probably the bird seen ten days ago (it has some primary feathers missing), was been given the "bums rush" by the local adult male when a third male appeared to join in the fracas for good measures - mayhem !