Monday 5th March 2012

Blowing a chilly Force 7 - 8 gale with a few naughty gusts in the Force 9 department plus it's started raining again - lovely ! The undoubted highlight of the morning was a whale that broke surface several times as it drifted south at 0850hrs. Unfortunately it eluded identification, but as nearly all the whales that have been seen off here have ended up stranded somewhere nearby it may get identified retrospectively. Prolonged seawatching (what else can one do in these conditions ?) produced a total of 9 Dunlin, 6 Gannets, 3 Red-throated Divers, 2 Great-crested Grebe, single Guillemot & Grey Heron. A Purp flew past close inshore making it's way to the jetty. Also offshore at least 3 Grey Seals.