Saturday 3rd March 2012

Migrants on site today include a handful of new Chaffs, Robins, Blackies, Redwings, single Fieldfare, Golden Plover & Lapwing. Rock Pipit still on the point with a Woodcock either a spring migrant or one leftover with us from the cold spell. Misty offshore making observations difficult although 35 Brents, 4 Wigeon, 3 Shelduck plus single Gannet, Teal & Oystercatcher all going south. A Mute Swan, 2 Gadwal & 2 Grey Seals spent the morning offshore. An immature male Peregrine with a couple of primary feathers missing in one wing is not one of the regulars which are both adults. Finally a freshly flattened Water Rail was doing a poor imitation of a pancake on View Point Road opposite the Butts Pond late morning.