Sunday 25th March 2012

With still unfavourable winds observers noted a few birds of interest this morning. A new Firecrest was the highlight of the ringing with solitary Chiff, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Dunnock and Robin all also making appearances.  Heading North were 3 Greylags, 5 Cormorant and a lone Brent Goose, a solitary Red-throated Diver being the only South bound individual. A few Fieldfare and Redwing were still hanging around early on and on the docks a 2nd winter Glaucous Gull was amongst the rabble of other gulls, supported by 4 Yellow-legged Gulls of varying age & what was presumably yesterdays Caspian. Another seldom seen mammal was spotted within the recording area, a Brown Rat, which met its end on the road overnight