April 2012 Ringing Totals

April totals amounted to 335 birds of 29 species. This being low on average if the substantial amount of extra effort for Wheatears are removed from the tally. Highlights of the month have to include the 6 Ring Ouzels on one day and the very early spotted flycatcher on the 29th. Top 3 Species were Wheatear, Blackcap and Chiffchaff, with Willow Warbler not far behind. Full breakdown below.

Wheatear 84 Collard Dove 2
Blackcap 63 Firecrest 1
Chiffchaff 59 Great tit 1
Willow Warbler 45 Blue Tit 1
Linnet 13 Goldfinch 1
Song Thrush 12 Meadow Pipit 1
Robin 11 Stonechat 1
Blackbird 9 Whinchat 1
Ring Ouzel 6 Lesser Whitethroat 1
Wood Pigeon 5 Whitethroat 1
Wren 3 Spotted Flycacther 1
Greenfinch 3 Redstart 1
House sparrow 3 Lesser Redpoll 1
Black Redstart 2 Redwing 1
Chaffinch 2