Saturday 7th April 2012

An extended observation period today as a few of us had a play with the spring traps out on the reserve after netting. 2 Wheatear were added to the mornings birds which were, Chiffchaff 3, Blackcap 2, Wren and Blue Tit. At least 2 extra Song Thrushes were present to the normal couple, likely heading back over to the continent. 3 Separate Red-throated Divers were offshore along with 14 Cormorants on the move.

A few Brent, Canada and Greylag geese were seen heading in various directions. A total of 6 Wheatear were out on the common with 3 Black Redstarts amongst the brambles and concrete. The hybrid falcon is still hanging around, being sighted almost daily. Sadly a pure female Peregrine has not been seen for a few weeks now.