Sunday 22nd April

Another good morning with a few new warblers present including the first Whitethroats and Lesser Whitethroats of the year. Calmer conditions led to less offshore movement than during the week, still 11 Shelduck, 1 common Scoter, 3 Oyks, 2 Whimbrel, 2 Curlew, a Kittiwake and 11 Black-headed Gulls headed South, along with a Stock Dove, 5 Carrion Crows, 3 Swallow, 8 Goldfinch and 2 Yellow Wagtails. Observations elsewhere included a Wood Mouse that was relocated from the kitchen and a Red-legged Partridge in the car park! This rather fine Common Morel beneath one of the nets has been entertaining visitors...

Common Morel Morchella esculenta

Ringing amounted to 20 birds with a Firecrest just before closing the highlight and the first one of the month. Blackcap 8, Willow Warbler 5, Chiffchaff 2, Wheatear 2, Chaffinch 1 Woodpigeon 1, Firecrest 1.