Sunday 29th April 2012

Spot Fly was totally unexpected considering the weather is distinctly not nice blowing a cold north-easterly gale & rain. This is our earliest ever record of this species. An adult pale phase Pom Skua lingering off the point for about 10 mins from 0750hrs was a bit of a stunner. Despite prolonged seawatching the only other birds noted offshore were 6 Shoveler, 3 Barwits, 2 Swifts & a Swallow north plus some Cormorants coming & going. We can hear 2 Lesser Throats singing occasionally & there are at least half a dozen Wheatears out there - there maybe more out there skulking away.

Evening UPDATE: Some extra effort in the evening once the bad weather had shifted boosted the ringing totals by 7 Wheatears, a Whinchat, a Song Thrush, a Redstart and a Willow Warbler. A Brambling and Pied Flycatcher were also feeding in the compound but managed to avoid the nets. The Wheatear count was boosted to a minimum of 19 individuals.