Thursday 12th April 2012

Still more new birds in this morning with a handful of Chiffchaffs and Willow warblers present. A Short-eared Owl was sighted traversing the beach early on but disappeared by 06:30. 4 Sandwich Terns were seen offshore, a couple heading up river. Elsewhere 5 Swallows headed South, along with a Grey Heron and Great Crested Grebe. A male Ring Ouzel made a brief appearance before rocketing over the docks, and another Redstart and Black Redstart were in the bushes and brambles along the ridge. Good numbers of Wheatears were still out on the reserve, a maximum count of 18 was likely missing a few as they were quite mobile.

The ringing totals looked quite healthy by the end of the day: Wheatear 9, Chiffchaff 8, Willow Warbler 7, Blackcap 4, Black Redstart 1. A Blackcap was also controlled bearing a British ring.