Thursday 19th April 2012

The run of Great Skuas continued today with individuals seen offshore throughout the morning, keeping the gulls on their toes. A bit blustery and showery still but a few more birds around, with 2 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Wheatear and a Robin ringed. Moving South were 3 Swallows, 2 Shelduck, A Fulmar, 4 Gannet, 4 Cormorant, a Curlew and 2 Gadwall. Heading the opposite way were 2 Fulmar, 9 Gannets and the first Whimbrel of the spring. In the gull department a full adult Yellow-legged was seen, along with 3 first summer Common Gulls and a first Summer Mediterranean Gull