Thursday 26th April 2012

Force 5-6 South Westerly winds all day today, with a few unexpected showers thrown in for good measure. Two Ring Ouzels remained with us, as did the male Stonechat and at least 19 Wheatears, with a Redstart making an appearance also. Some excitement on the movement front as a Marsh Harrier passed through and went up river, as did a Hobby early afternoon.

A flock of 30 or so unidentified finches were also seen coming in off the sea and rapidly disappearing over the docks, too far a range to get any distinguishing features. Also moving were: Southbound - 5 Swift, 5 Whimbrel, a Goldfinch, 6 Swallow and a Fulmar. Northbound - a Fulmar, 9 Common Scoter, a Cormorant and 3 Oystercatchers

Ringing amounted to 12 new birds, most being tempted by mealworms out on the reserve in the afternoon: Wheatear 6, Blackcap 3, Willow Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 1 and a bonus catch of the male Stonechat.