Tuesday 10th April 2012

An interesting morning to say the least. What was presumably one of yesterdays Bonxies was still offshore first thing. When a couple of Brent Geese went over the dock cranes heading towards the sea the hybrid falcon took an instant dislike to them - it's not often you get a chance to see the evasive action that Brents have to take to avoid falcons in these parts. At 0730hrs a Serin was heard calling in the Holm Oaks for c.15 mins, eventually giving flight views as it moved off towards the Icky ridge. Mid-morning a Stone Curlew was found which eventually was flushed by a large group of people out for a walk late morning & left over the river for Essex (this is only the 3rd Landguard record of this species). A fine male Common Redstart was the 1st of the year with other migrants a bit few & far between. Also noted 6 Wheatears, 2 Chiffs, 2 Swallows south, Rook south, Blackcap & Black Redstart. Apart from the local Linnets 18 went south. Offshore 3 Gadwal, Red-throated Diver, Curlew & a Red-breasted Merganser went north.