Tuesday 24th April 2012

An interesting day today, despite dodging showers for alot of it. 8 Ring Ouzels dropped not long after first light and have spent the whole day feeding out on the reserve, 4 making brief visits to acquire rings! Other migrants included a fine male Stonechat, a female Redstart a couple of Lesser Whitethroats, at least 30 Wheatears and a single Whitethroat. On the move were 3 Siskin a Swallow and a Cormorant going South, and 9 Cormorant and a Little Egret North.

Mid morning a bunting was spotted out on the reserve and seen on 3 occasions by 7  separate observers, it was reckoned to be a Little Bunting by those who had good views, unfortunately it was not seen again after midday.

Ringing totals for the day came to 16 Birds: 6 Willow Warbler, 4 Ring Ouzel, 3 Blackcap (+ a control), 2 Robin and a Song Thrush.