Tuesday 3rd April 2012

A bit more going on in the migrant department today, with light winds shifting round to be almost Southerly by late morning. On the move South were 6 Common Gull, 2 Cormorant, 2 Carrion Crow, 2 Jackdaw, a Rook, a Yellowhammer and the 2nd Swallow of spring. A lone Skylark headed inland whilst a Cormorant and a pair of Greylags went North. On the reserve were 3 Wheatear, with no sign of the previous days' Black Redstarts. 21 new birds were ringed:

Chiffchaff 7, Blackbird 3, Blackcap 3, Greenfinch 2, Wheatear 2, Linnet 2, Redwing 1, Song Thrush 1.