May 2012 Ringing Totals

May turned out to be a very productive month with good numbers of warbler coming through even towards the end. A total of 482 birds were ringed during the month with Whitethroat topping the bill at 91 birds. This is the highest May ringing total since 2004 when 510 birds were ringed and more than twice last years may total of 209 birds. There have been a number of highlights during the month including the first Serin to be ringed at Landguard, the Wryneck and Wood Warbler earlier in the month, the Greenish Warbler last weekend and the 3 Marsh Warblers in almost as many days. Full totals are below....

Whitethroat 91 Firecrest 3
Blackcap 79 Chaffinch 3
Willow Warbler 61 Starling 3
Wheatear 47 Wren 2
Chiffchaff 33 Swallow 2
Spotted Flycatcher 23 Goldfinch 2
Linnet 21 Marsh Warbler 2
Reed Warbler 16 Song Thrush 2
Lesser Whitethroat 15 Wood Warbler 1
Garden Warbler 12 Long-tailed Tit 1
Robin 11 Serin 1
Great Tit 8 Greenish Warbler 1
Greenfinch 7 Pied Flycatcher 1
Dunnock 6 Blue Tit 1
Blackbird 6 Black Redstart 1
Redstart 5 Siskin 1
Sedge Warbler 4 Wryneck 1
Meadow Pipit 4 Sparrowhawk 1
Woodpigeon 4 Total 482