Thursday 3rd May 2012

Nearly all of yesterdays warblers appeared to have moved on with only 1 retrap all morning. A new smaller dose were in with 7 Blackcap (c15 on site), 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler and a Lesser Whitethroat (c5 on site) ringed. Apart from a Great-crested Grebe Heading South a mixed bunch were observed heading North, including: 1 Cormorant, 3 Knot, 15 Bar-tailed Godwit, a Whimbrel, 3 Little Tern (first for the year), 46 Common Tern and 2 Arctic Terns. Out and about on the reserve the Whinchat ringed a few days back remained, along with a Yellow Wagtail, at least 20 Wheatear and a fine summer plumage Purple Sandpiper on the point.

The ringing totals for the day were boosted by a trail run of our new spring traps, supporting the existing ones they definitely got the seal of approval as 14 Wheatear were ringed. This beats the previous day record of 13, and pushes the total ringed this spring to 101, also surpassing the largest year total for this species by 1!