Tuesday 15th May 2012

Female Serin performing well all morning for the punters mostly on the short turf on the seaward side of the icky ridge. A handful of new migrants on site including a couple of new Blackcaps, Whitethroats & a migrant Dunnock. On the reserve 30 Wheatears, 2 Yellow Wags, 2 Spot Flys, Whinchat, Hobby, Turtle Dove & Corn Bunting. On the move 33 Goldfinchs, 31 Swallows, Yellow Wag & Whimbrel south plus single House Martin & Swift north. Offshore at least 22 Little & 6 Common Terns feeding around the point. Not particularly warm for mid-May. The moth traps have been pathetic so far this year with the 3 moth traps producing just one moth this morning - but it was the first Silver Y of the year - a migrant at last!