Wednesday 30th May 2012

The female Serin showed up again this morning having not been seen since Monday last week. Still a couple of new Whitethroats & Blackcaps showing up in the bushes that need to get a move on if they are going to breed this year. A male Red-breasted Merganser went south along the beach line having presumably done the business & abandoned the wife. A Lapwing on the reserve may also be the start of the autumn migration for this species. Also on the move going south 22 Swallows, 6 Goldfinch, 5 House Martins, Whimbrel & Great-crested Grebe plus 8 Brents going north. Hobby & Fulmar also noted flying around during the morning with the number of young Starlings on site showing a welcome increase. Moth traps picking up a greater variety in recent days including a Dark Sword Grass this am.