June 2012 Ringing Totals

A distinct lack of juvenile bird during the month led to the lowest ringing totals for this month since 1991 (140). A total of 169 birds of 27 species were ringed. Top spot being taken by Dunnock at 22 birds. Considering the number of Linnets presumably breeding on the reserve a total of only 20 new birds suggests a poor breeding season so far. Whilst the unsettled weather of the last few months may have brought us some nice vagrants and scarcities it may have had a negative impact on the breeding success of our resident species.    Hopefully next month things will pick up on the baby bird front.

Dunnock 22 Chiffchaff 3
Linnet 20 Robin 3
Starling 18 Whitethroat 3
Great Tit 13 Coal Tit 2
Greenfinch 13 Goldfinch 2
Blackcap 12 Magpie 2
Wren 8 Collared Dove 2
Wood Pigeon 7 Swallow 1
Lesser Whitethroat 6 Blue Tit 2
House Sparrow 6 Song Thrush 1
Reed Warbler 6 Ringed Plover 1
Blackbird 5 Cuckoo 1
Spotted Flycatcher 5 Garden Warbler 1
Chaffinch 4
Total 169