Wednesday 6th June 2012

Two flocks of Crossbills going south totalling 65 birds plus another flock heard but not seen. 5 Curlew also went south. These two species are some of the earliest to begin their autumn migration. This contradicts with 11 Swallows, 11 House Martins & 10 Goldfinch going south plus a new Lesser throat in the bushes which are probably tardy spring migrants. It's that odd time of the year when spring & autumn movements overlap depending on the species. Hobby also noted this morning which is an almost daily occurrence at present. After a dead Porpoise in front of the Butts yesterday a dead Grey Seal was on the riverbank this morning being eaten by a gluttonous Greater Black-back & a few Herring Gulls. Also worth a mention is the appearance of a few more Red Admirals in recent days.