Thursday 12th July 2012

Nice to see the currant bun out this morning - although the overnight temperatures had dropped down into single figures giving it a distinctly autumnal feel first thing. Bird wise 4 Kittiwakes headed inland over the docks was a bit odd & a Great-spotted Wood was in the Holm Oaks. A Redshank went south, but to be honest very little time was spent staring out to sea this morning. The Ringo chick first hatched on 2nd June is still with us and, like all teenagers, appears reluctant to leave the security of mum & dad despite being nearly 6 weeks old. The other pair that hatched out their young on 27th June still have at least one chick remaining. Unfortunately both males off these two pairs seem to believe that the biggest threat to them is the opposing male Ringed Plover rather than the multitude of potential threats out there to them. Finally in the butterfly department a few more Essex Skippers are appearing on the Butts & the 1st Gatekeeper of the year put in an appearance.