Friday 28th September 2012

Barred Warbler found on the reserve late morning 30 yards due south-east of the "what's about" board. Apart from this it's a fairly typical late September morning in south-westers. New in are a dozen Chiffs, 5 Blackcaps plus a handful of Songies, Dunnocks, Robins, Wrens, Goldcrests, Brambling & a Whitethroat. Left overs from recent days are Pied Fly, 2 Redstart & Whitethroat. 3 Tree Sparrows were whizzing around first thing & 2 Jackdaws explored the Fort for a while. 5 Wheatears & a Tree Pipit are on the reserve with a Reed Bunt on the point. On the move 1,000 hirundines south plus 156 Mipits(+40 on reserve), 84 Goldies, 38 Chaffs, 3 Pied Wags & a Reed Bunt. Offshore 100 assorted dabbling ducks, 3 Great-crested Grebes & a small handful of waders going south. Migrant moths have been low in numbers so it was good to get a Scarce Bordered Straw today. Finally a Painted Lady put in an appearance on the Icky ridge. Pm update of 8 Black Terns & a Merlin in off early afternoon.