Friday 7th September 2012

Hombre Manuel Passer hispaniolensis was seen coming out of the roost this am - if you aren't capable of getting up in the mornings then try 5pm onwards before he goes to bed for the night. Also be prepared to visit more than once as "Manuel" is capable of entering & leaving the roost unseen. Bird wise today i could sum it up once again as "a selection of migrants present in very small numbers," but that's a tad lazy. 58 Swallows, 2 Pied Wags, Grey Wag & half a dozen waders went south. In the bushes at least 5 Whitethroats, 4 Blackaps, 2 Garden Warblers & a Chiffchaff with 3 Wheatears on the reserve. Of greater note was the first migrant Songie of the autumn to turn up - this is about right for the vanguard of the populations from the low countries that make their way to Iberia for the winter. Finally the imm female Peregrine was knocking about & 2 Mute Swans flew south then up river. Evening update - "Manuel" showed up on cue this evening.