Monday 3rd September 2012

A few new migrants in today, with a nice selection of warblers, a couple of Whinchat, male Redstart, Tree Pipit, 2 Tree Sparrow and a few big groups of Swallows amounting to almost 700. An immature Peregrine patrolled for a while worrying the Starlings. Come lunchtime a large hatch of insects seemed to keep the starling happy and they were joined by at least 15 Med Gulls. Ringing totals:

Starling 7, Willow Warbler 7, Blackcap 2, Sedge Warbler 1, Linnet 1, Whitethroat 1, Greenfinch 1, Chiffchaff 1, House Sparrow 1, Blue Tit 1 = 23

The Spanish Sparrow was not relocated though did perform well before roosting in the docks last night. Surely it will be there again this evening, its just a matter of locating it amongst the throngs of House Sparrows! Evening update - sparrow present & accounted for in the evening.

Spanish Sparrow - Landguard NR 02/09/2012 (Will Brame)