Saturday 1st September 2012

Ringing this morning just managed to edge into double figures with migrants being represented by a juvenile Spotted Flycatcher and a Garden Warbler. A good movement of ducks offshore with 106 Teal and 77 Wigeon. Also moving were 3 Little Egret, 2 Grey Heron, a Greenshank, 11 Sarnie Terns, 3 Med Gulls, 10 Golden Plover, 10 Yellow Wagtail and an Arctic Skua. A Redstart remained in the beach bushes with couple of Wheatear, Willow Warbler, Blackcap and a few Lesser Whitethroats too. Late news concerns 13 Med Gulls in the evening plus the Spanish Sparrow seen & photographed coming into the roost along View Point Road in the evening.