Sunday 23rd September 2012

With little in the way of passerines in the bushes this morning the main passage was out at sea. 2 Leaches Petrel, a Pomarine Skua, a Short-eared Owl, a Sooty Shearwater and 2 Manx Shearwater were the highlights amongst the gaggle below...

350 Wigeon, 200 Brent Goose, 350 Teal, 90 Common Scoter, 30 Arctic Skua,  2 Guillemot, 8 Med Gulls, 190 Gannet, 2 Razorbill, 4 Fulmar and a bakers dozen of Barnacle Geese.

The lonely 4 birds ringed were a Great-spotted Woodpecker, Whitethroat, Blue Tit and Greenfinch, all this years juveniles. 2 Redstarts out on the reserve were about the only other passerines new in.