Sunday 30th September 2012

Pleasant end of September birding. Vis mig this morning comprised off 232 Goldies, 170 Chaffs, 156 House Martin, 132 Mipits, 111 Swallows, 103 Linnets, 24 Greenies, 13 Pied Wags, 3 Reed Bunts, 2 Sand Martin, Siskin, Rock Pipit & a high flying House Sparrow south. Offshore 42 Brents & a handful of waders going south with a juv Gannet in the harbour eventually battling it's way back out to sea. On site 20 Chiffs, 5 Blackcaps, 4 Goldcrests, 2 Lesser Redpoll, Brambling, Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Redstart, Great spotted Woodpecker, Wheatear & Stonechat. Woodland Grasshopper Omocertus rufipes in the top moth trap will be a first site record.