Wednesday 26th September 2012

Almost a thousand Swallows heading south plus 35 Wigeon, 34 Mipits, 34 Brents, 29 Goldies, 11 Chaffs, 10 Teal, 9 Siskin, 9 House Martin, 3 Sand Martin, 2 Pied Wags & a Mallard. Quieter in and around the bushes with a small handful of new Songies, Robins, Blackcaps, Chiffs & a Willow new in. 4 Wheatears & at least 3 Redstarts are scattered around the site. Finally, what is presumably yesterdays Pied Fly is still with us. After a reasonably pleasant morning it's now bucketing down again. Today's ringing total has just squeezed into double figure.