Monday 15th October 2012

Still a few Redpolls on the move with 12 ringed and a 3rd control in as many days. A bunch of 90 Greenfinches fed out on the shingle along with a few Goldfinches and Chaffs. 2 Rock Pipits headed over along with 3 Mistle thrush, half a dozen Siskin, 2 Skylark, a Grey Wag and 5 Rook. One of the PEregrines was up on the dock crane making the most of its favoured perch as the 2 other old cranes are dismantled below. A Firecrest ringed 6 days ago was retrapped showing just how well these little guys can hide up when the want to!

Ringing: Redpoll 12, Chaffinch 8, Greenfinch 4, Blackcap 2, Great Tit 2, Blue Tit 2, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Meadow Pipit = 33

Yesterdays Yellow-browed Warbler (Allan King)