Saturday 13th October 2012

An unexpectedly busy day today with over 100 birds ringed. Lesser Redpolls were the main visitors with 66 ringed, beating the previous day record of 44. 6 Ring Ouzels were on site with the usual thrushes, a Stonechat, 3 Brambling, with fly over Woodlark, Lapland Bunting and Tree Pipit. On the move 600+ Goldfinches, 10 Pied Wags, 2 Stock Dove, 17 Siskin, 100 Brents, 4 Grey Wags and 30 late Swallows.

Juvenile male Stonechat

Ringing totals: Lesser Redpoll 66, Chaffinch 10, Blackbird 6, Goldfinch 5, Grey Wagtail 3, Blue Tit 3, Chiffchaff 3, Robin 2, Wren 2, Great Tit 2, Stonechat, Blackcap, Sparrowhawk, Reed Warbler, Meadow Pipit, Dunnock, Greenfinch and Song Thrush.