Saturday 27th October 2012

A brief netting session before the sleet came in this morning. A few Blackbirds, Robins and Greenfinches were caught along with a Goldcrest and retrap Firecrest. Song Thrushes and Redwing appeared to have all cleared out over night but (presumably) one of yesterdays visitors evidently had roosted here overnight.


This is only the 2nd ever Waxwing to be trapped at the observatory and certainly cheered up the few hardy visitors on a cold morning! Elsewhere a Merlin was hanging about, at one point seeming to try and come into the obs in the rain. A few Eider and a Red-breasted Merganser passed through along with a Woodcock in off. Black Redstart, Brambling and Ring Ouzel were the best of the rest out on the reserve. In the afternoon a Snow Bunting was on the seaward side of the Butts, a Stock Dove came in off the sea & 17 Long-tailed Tits paid us a visit.