Thursday 25th October 2012

81 new birds ringed today with thrushes and finches being the main fare. As well as a few new Goldcrest in 2 Firecrests remained on site with one being from over a fortnight ago. A couple each of Ring Ouzel and Fieldfare were also on site as few Common Scoter, Wigeon, 4 Eider, a Stock Dove and 20 odd Swallows passed through. One of the Robins trapped later in the afternoon was bearing a Dutch ring, showing the origins of at least some of our winter visitors.

News came through today of a record of a Yellow-spotted Whiteface dragonfly sighted in front of the observatory back in May. Having submitted a description this record had been accepted by the powers that be and represents the first confirmed sighting in the UK for 150 years! A month or so later another individual was found up at Dunwich Heath,

Ringing: Blackbird 25, Goldfinch 17, Lesser Redpoll 9, Song Thrush 7, Greenfinch 7, Redwing 4, Goldcrest 4, Robin 2, Wren 2, Starling, Brambling,  House Sparrow and Great Tit = 79