Tuesday 30th October 2012

Another big push of Woodpigeons today with 7200 heading south during the morning, some turning back briefly when harassed by the local Peregrine. Also on the move were 28 Siskin, 40 Chaffinch and Starling,  14 Swallow, 16 Mipits, 5 Jackdaw, a couple of Eider, 3 Gannet, A red-throated Diver and a lonely Waxwing. A very pleasant morning ringing with a small team saw a good bunch of Lesser Redpolls and Blackbirds ringed with British and Dutch controls of each respectively. 3 Firecrest remained on site but 2 Woodcock were the surprise catch of the day.


Ringing: Lesser Redpoll 31, Blackbird 26, Goldfinch 9, Greenfinch 6, Robin 4, Chaffinch 4 ,Blackcap 3, Goldcrest 2, Woodcock 2, Song Thrush 2, Great Tit, House Sparrow, Wren, and Jay = 93

Further entertainment was provided by an unfortunate error on the nearside of the docks as a container took and unscheduled dip.....