Friday 16th November 2012

244 Siskin going south is a hearty count for this, or any other, time of the year. Also going south 21 Goldies, 10 Starlings & 3 Mipits. Just prior to 0900hrs it was impressive to see a flock of at least 30 Blackies, 35 Redwing, 16 Fieldfare & 6 Songies fall out of the sky to join those already on site. Ringing wise new Blackies just squeezed into double figures plus a couple of new Songies, Greeny & a Goldcrest. It really is about time in the autumn for the Goldcrest passage to finish - but odd ones still keep on coming ! A Woodcock was on the reserve but little else of note. Offshore fairly tedious with a handful of Brents, 9 Wigeon, 3 Gadwal & a Tufted going past. Finally a partially oiled Red-throated Diver went into the river which is not what you want to see. Finally, although the moth traps are getting very few moths, it isn't stopping the odd Silver Y, Diamond-back & Dark Sword Grass putting in an appearance.