Friday 23rd November 2012

Another 87 Goldies south this am, although from past experience vis mig in this species often continues into early December. 2 new Blackies ringed is also indicative of ongoing migration in this species. Offshore 27 Shelduck, 23 Brent, 6 Dunlin, 5 Knot, 2 Wigeon, Gadwal, Common Scoter, Goldeneye & Red-throated Diver south plus 11 Brent & a Red-throated Diver north. Judging from the poor numbers of Shelduck up the rivers it's about time a few more wandered back from moulting on the Waddensea. Finally, still a gang of Greenies feeding along the beach but only 5 Snow Bunts noted this am. Maybe one of the local Sparrowhawks fancied a change of diet ?