Friday 2nd November 2012

38 birds were ringed this morning including a new Firecrest, a couple of Golcrest, possibly the last Grey Wagtail of the Autumn and another dose of Lesser Redpolls. Pretty quiet out and about with 4 more Jays passing through, a couple of Southbound Crossbills and 100 Stock Doves being the highlights. 550 Goldies also headed South along with a few Chaffs, a dozen Swallows and 4 Rock Pipits. The minute snail pictured on October the 19th's blog has since been identified as Merdigera obscura, an uncommon species in Suffolk.

Ringing: Lesser Redpoll 16, Chaffinch 5, Blackbird 3, Song Thrush 3, Robin 3, Goldcrest 2, Goldfinch 2, Greenfinch, Firecrest, Wood Pigeon and Grey Wagtail = 38