Thursday 29th November 2012

A fresh arrival of at least 50 Blackies along with 2 Woodcock, single Fieldfare, Redwing & a fine male Bullfinch. Of the dozen Blackies ringed a couple were young males of the "stockamsel" variety suggesting they have come a fair old way to get here. Offshore not spectacular but did include a Great-northern Diver & 18 Eider north, 2 Goldeneye, Merg & Guillimot south plus 5 Gadwal sat on the sea for a while. A Skylark came in off the sea & a Snow Bunting was whizzing round over the obs mid-morning. Autumn should be grinding to a halt at this time of the year but obviously no-one has told the Blackies that as they just keep on coming. Later news concerns 2 male Goosanders south early pm - the 1st of the autumn.